TCM 5 Elements Acupuncture
Acupuncture has a long and successful reputation for treating pain and disease. But it has always been the Mind and Spirit aspect that speaks to me most deeply and meaningfully. Chinese medicine as a holistic healthcare model that focuses on all aspects of the body – its structure and internal functioning and mind-body connection.
How can it help me?
Every treatment is tailored to your specific needs and the focus is on the root of your symptoms. The practice of acupuncture works to boost your body’s natural ability to recalibrate, replenish and repair. Acupuncture treatment aims to support you in maintaining your unique health and wellbeing.
What we treat
Headaches & migraines
Long Covid
Back Pain
Mental health support (stress, anxiety, depression)
Digestive problems
Infertility (male & female) and IVF support & natural conception
Pregnancy, preparation for labour and postpartum recovery
Gynaecological concerns
Menopausal symptoms
Sleep issues
Management of chronic pain
Stress in the workplace
Cosmetic Acupuncture
What to expect
During a session we implement a combination of the most appropriate techniques to work alongside acupuncture to benefit you, including techniques steeped in extensively used tradition such as Cupping, Gua Sha and Moxa, alongside red light therapy, hot stones and Tuina Chinese medical massage.
Karolina is a TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine) & 5 Element acupuncturist. These two integrated styles of acupuncture enable her to effectively treat a wide range of mental and physical conditions alongside Tuina massage, Cupping, Gua Sha, and Moxibustion. She gained a BSc Hons degree from the prestigious College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading.
Summit Wellbeing - East Sheen - East Grinstead