Priscila Albino
Reflexology practitioner
Priscila was trained at London School of Reflexology, where she was awarded a Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology.
She has also obtained qualifications in specialised branches of reflexology including Reflexology for Pregnancy , Spinal Reflexology as well as Advanced and Orthopedic Training Course with experience in working as a Senior Reflexologist and spa assistant manager for exclusive spas and Health Clinics in London.
Passionate about complimentary therapies, fitness and wellbeing, Priscila also embarked and qualified as a Pilates Instructor by Alan Herdman.
As a very intuitive practitioner, she combines her advanced reflexology techniques with a caring approach and tailor the treatment to each individual needs, promoting wellbeing on both physical and emotional levels, musculoskeletal relaxation, aiming to improve sleeping patterns and sinus issues as well as helping to ease constipation and relieve back pain and plantar fasciitis.
It’s also wonderfully helpful for future mums aiding health and wellbeing , as well as benefiting sports people and athletes with injury recovery.
If you would like to book with Priscila contact us via email;
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